Bully Dog Heavy Duty GT (HDGT)

Bully Dog Heavy Duty GT (HDGT)

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Benefits & Features

  • 75-100 Additional HP (Specialized tuning for additional power)
  • 6-12% Increase in Fuel Economy
  • Speed Limiter Adjustments
  • Diagnostic Reader
  • Driving Coach
  • Emissions Tested
  • SAE Tested
  • Watchdog Monitoring


2000 Kenworth Detroit 12.7L

I heard about Bully Dog from my younger brother who purchased a 2007 Peterbilt Cat powered truck that was already installed with a Bully Dog. He really liked the way the truck ran and encouraged me to get one for my truck. I am an independent truck driver that has been driving since the 70’s. I haul agriculture products on local runs mainly on two lane roads here in the Midwest. Over the years most of my trucks were powered by either Cat or Cummins. Right now I am driving a 2000 Kenworth with a Detroit 12.7L with factory settings of 470/500. This is the first Detroit that I have ever had and initially I didn’t like it very much. It was underpowered, but after installing the HDGT I am learning to like it now more every day.

I installed the Bully Dog HDGT in July 2013 so at this point I have been running it for a month and a half. In that time I have gone from 6 MPG to 6.8 MPG or a 13% gain in fuel economy. What I really like about it is the lowering of the torque range. Now I have plenty of power down around 1300 to 1400 RPM. I have had to pretty much learn to drive the truck all over because I use about a quarter of the throttle now instead of three quarters. I am real happy with the way the truck performs. Initially after I installed it I was driving the truck too hard and didn’t pick up the fuel economy like I expected. J&S Sales told me to pay attention to the gauges up on the dash and keep the load and the throttle around 60%. I didn’t do that at the start and I was running it at 90% to 100%. So I had to learn to keep my foot out of it and let it do its thing. It took a while for me to figure it out, but it works great now. It has really impressed me on the way it changed the performance of this truck and all for the better. It is doing a wonderful job and I am really satisfied with it.


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